Lee and the EK dagger
Lee and the EK dagger One fateful day sometime in the first couple years I was operating at my first Valley road shop location, a very interesting man popped into the shop unannounced. He was an older grizzled man with an oversized military surplus jacket with many pockets, round wire rimmed glasses and well worn trousers and boots. He stood shorter than average but long years as a machinist likely stooped him further. Lee Byers was his name and he was a legend at the flea markets and gun shows of the area. Not only an expert but a veritable...
2024 Year in Review and Hopes for 2025
Another year has passed and another year has come. Somehow the number 2025 feel much more like the future than ever before. Maybe just because it’s an auspicious number. Each year we build on last year, produce more knives, more models and innovate new techniques. People come and go in the shop, both Hardway shop community members who work on their own knives as well as team members at Join or Die. Jamie and Jack still anchor the team and they are learning and growing all the time. Jamie is really developing his Antik Knives concept with some very...
I Come By My Opinions Honestly
I come by my opinions honestly. I mean that to say that I have formed them through experience but also that I am honest when they change and I freely admit when I was wrong. This may be harsh but I consider it the mark of the stupid person to resist considering how they may have been wrong or not admit when they are. Likewise, to be embarrassed about past opinions that one has changed from is a sign of deep insecurity and lack of self integration. Let me explain. In my career teaching knife making, I have developed many...
10 Year Anniversary Hammer-In Recap
"What are we going to do about the hammer in this spring?" asked Greg, one side of his headphones on his right ear and the other clamping his scalp just above the left ear. "I don't know, probly should have it around March sometime. Don't want the weather to be too bad but also don't want to get later in the spring when everyone is more busy." I said while scrolling the calendar app on my phone, looking at possible free weekends. There were too many red dots indicating scheduled events over the next few months already. "Well we need...
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